Nuovo album per i Preacher Stone.
Dopo numerosi cambi di formazione ecco il terzo album della band di Charlotte con un ritorno davvero convincente.
Dopo il secondo album Uncle Buck's Vittles, che a mio parere ha risentito troppo dei vari avvicendamenti all'interno della band e non mi ha convinto del tutto, questo Paydirt si avvicina molto a livello qualitativo e compositivo all'album di debutto che a mio parere rimane ancora il loro album migliore, e ci offre una band finalmente affiatata e con tracce musicali davvero all' altezza delle aspettative.
The bands 2 appearances on Sons of Anarchy, The Hit Series catapulted this band to head of the pack! Their long awaited 3rd CD is full of great songs from beginning to end and is bound to keep this band at the top!
If you dig Southern rock then you will dig this band! The latest comment on their facebook page was "This is the best Southern rock album to come out since Lynyrd Skynyrd's Street Survivors!" Greg Riffe That is a mighty high compliment for a band just out 5 years. Songwriters Marty Hill and Ronnie Riddle are the perfect blend of music and lyrics and they capture what everyone is feeling today, so much so, you will think you wrote some of these songs yourself!( from CDBaby )
NEW Album - PAYDIRT - Available Online
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